The last time I went to a party at Opening Ceremony, I felt extremely underdressed, not to mention 4 feet tall. I had not planned on going until a friend and I were only a few blocks away, and thereby wearing extremely casual attire. I walked upstairs and amongst the racks of Alexander Wang, Comme Des Garcons, and Band of Outsiders, there were throngs of extremely tall, blog-worthy girls and boys. I saw lace bellbottoms, pinstripe suits, and yards of leather. Needless to say, those that buy for and shop at Opening Ceremony, are always impeccably dressed. Ok, so it's a little late in the season to be showing fall/winter 2010 look books, but I figured it was so quirkily pieced together that it was well worth sharing.
images via Opening Ceremony
Becca, I certainly relate to the feeling 4 feet tall at beautiful people events! That's a nice lead in. I would have liked a bit more heft - maybe some insight as to how these Opening Ceremony looks are different from what else is out there. why you like them, why I should be interested. I knwo you're interested in fashion writing, so keep developing your ability to help the reader understand what is going on in these pictures, and keep developing your own unique take on the subject.
Becca, when i wrote that initial comment, i forgot you were posting more, smaller posts. Just caught up. All in all, very good - jsut work on articulating as well as showing.