Wednesday, December 15, 2010

All I Want For Chanukkah

Ok, so Chanukkah has come and gone, but I was recently given some cash from my father to purchase my self a Chrismukkah (Christmas/Chanukkah) gift. On a very important side note, I'm guessing my father got the hint that though he means well, his gifts are much more for him than for the person on the receiving end. For my birthday I got a seat belt hand bag(where did you get a time machine to travel back to 2003 just to get my gift, Dad? so thoughtful), and 4 used books on topics of very little interest to me; he did include a Charles Bukowski book that I appreciated, but that's something Dad would bring me on a an average Wednesday. Fast forward to me sending a hyperlink-heavy list of Christmas "suggestions" that were all extremely reasonably priced. You got to love a Dad that knows when to throw in the gift buying towel. So now my major dilemma is what to get? There is a huge Alexander Wang sample sale starting tomorrow at 93 Mercer. I might have to wait for hours, but it will be well worth it to get up to 80% off on items that are still on the rack at Barney's. If I am too impatient to stand in the 7 degree weather, then I will thus be purchasing something from Helmut Lang, as they just released their Pre-Fall collection. Here are the looks on the top of my list:

If they all look really similar to you its because they are. But also, you would never have to worry about putting together outfits because everything works together so seamlessly!!
images via

1 comment:

  1. This is good. A nice set up, and some funny lines about your father. But i would say go deeper. Why do you like the clothes you're showing us? etc.

