Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Last week, in one of my classes I watched a presentation by Pantone, which is the leading color company that caters to the fashion, design, and car industries, as well as others. They formulate colors and are essentially the universal language of color. Companies use Pantone to ensure that if they are ordering 6,000 t-shirts from Taiwan, they can just forward them the 6 digit Pantone code, that correlates with the exact color, for which they also supply dye formulas; o that every color is exact. They showed us a lot of mood and color boards, because the company also does color prediction. The color of the year is turquoise, so I was inspired to create my own.

1 comment:

  1. i like the subject, but i wonder if you could have found a more interesting frame for introducing the topic than you saw it in class.

    also, are you making these collages?
